NEWCLEAR WAVES is the musical project of minimal Alessandro Adriani's Mannequin, Italian label of the most stimulating circulation. Will perform for a real live on 8 April to Fanfulla of Rome.
Opening: Tomorrow. This is the culmination of a long weekend of three city boys who first dreamed of the Mississippi Delta and New Orleans with the appearance of the three r's French mulatto, rather then just find themselves stuck between land and sea of \u200b\u200bthe Po delta to a easy easy shot went wrong. A gravedigger of dolphins, a retired stunt man, an American student of forty or seventy years, a generous prostitute, a Jaguar and a feast of '66 Unity animated only by the player, is almost surreal 'Unexpected put them on the run but tomorrow inaugurate the three protagonists. Only a plan to change my life. The Delta Plan.