Rumors: Part Three! continue with the presentations, including a short while, enjoy a preview of the next issue of the Wolf, with the first episode of Wild Boys!
MOSE ': Ladies and gentlemen, the dog that keeps in check the McKenzie Farm, the incorruptible judge of our work, a young man was a lost puppy and repressed ! A nerd, dutiful and continually harassed by the other! That's why as an adult builds upon us .... Tsk! His love for the poodle of the bench ... he was born close to your school!
ODOARDO: A true nerd of the worst kind: the insistent! It has an obvious crush on Marta, and has also been rumored as the support of her mother , who would marry them ... permanently! It must be said that Martha does not seem very happy with this situation ... and never fails to remind Edward!
KRUG: Huge and surly: everyone is afraid of Krug! Yet it seems that the beef is not the huge black beast to think that all ... It's rumored that his name appears in the list of members of all clubs in painting, writing, sculpture and pastime in any institution-ura! Except maybe the milking ... GLYCERINE
Rumors - Part Two! And here we are with the second part! Ready to learn three types really ... so cool?
ALCIDE: A brilliant mind and a great sense of business, probably thought the young Alcide was a good scholar sweet and sensitive, right? But GUM! In the mind of our agguerritissimo group, which has only one aspiration in school life: the chance within those cool ! Meanwhile sell topics and class assignments nell'insospettabile the girls' room ... that bad boys, eh? However I fear that the road to fame is still much for us ...
LODOVICI CO: 's always been a hard worker, you have to admit it! It 'a sports, even if a lot is often underestimated: when it comes to race becomes very competitive but normalm body is the voice of reason to Alcide, which often has a definite ideas little 'out of step "on how to be cool! However, lends itself to any group undertaking, and with his height often ago by bodyguards to Al .. which is always very theatrical in these things!
Glycerol Hey, it's me! What can I say ... I'm such a great thing! Many consider me a genius because I always carry with me a completed Rubik's cube! Never mind the fact that in reality I never even managed to mix it ... what counts is the result, no? My friends say I'm a bit 'slow on the uptake, but in the end we are a close-knit group, always ready to make trouble and gloriously proceed along the road to fame school ! And when I will understand what it means to feel that I'll be even more useful! TIE '! Do not miss the next descriptions awaiting the first episode ... in January at Lupo Alberto!
Rumors! - Part One The star guys January is approaching!
The first real episode of "Lupo Alberto - Wild Boys" is upon us, and we take this opportunity to ... present! Remember that any comments, suggestions, criticism regarding our series and our adventures will be posted on this blog: I recommend it! Here we are with the first "curious ta on us! perdetene not even one!
MARTA: Aggressive, charismatic and very tough: our Marta has always AVU to a large good temper! Think about that at school she was not wanting to engage with anyone ... She likes to go wild, go dancing (also hidden from the mother), and there is no occasion that does not tell her! And 'good class president, but just can not tolerate those who do super-cool!
ALICE: Desperately shy with the boys , has always been the best friend of Martha, though always surrounded the fate of two different sections! For or ra gossip, and is of simple nature and reflective. It is not yet diventat to a "beast-man-eating" we all know, but something starts to move ... Its impossible loves them are well known, then as now!
ALBERTO: That's cool, guys! He is simply a myth! Do you think the legend a party can not leave until he comes (that is always late)! For us half cartridges is unattainable, always surrounded by crowds of boys and girls adoring, hanging on his every word ... yet he does not seem so pumped, even if it makes supported! Needless to say, all the chicks love it and all the kids dream of becoming like him! Who knows how it feels to be Albert?
soon with the second part of the cards !!!!!