Friday, May 22, 2009

Pore Minimizing Foundation

The sky falling

Hey, you read the story of this month,
"Alice Wake up, Spring is ?


Run to recover !!!!!

Otherwise after 7 days could start to appear strange things on your tv ...


Friday, April 17, 2009

Pattycake Online Forun

Hey guys, we are empty!

guys! We are empty, you know?
Inside we have nothing, only air that hums between the temple and the other!

Yes, because it is absolutely obvious that if one likes to have fun with friends going to dance then it's a silly goose, right? And great will never, ever have a head on her shoulders, one that has a normal life, a boyfriend and a normal routine normal.

ALARM! To be normal is no time! You grow, you change, you do experience! Why do you want to load the thoughts, words, deeds and actions that only a middle-aged hen can try and feel? Why do not you go down in 16 years that I did not want to worry about tomorrow?

let me live! Is there time to be serious and concrete, no time to be sarcastic and cynical, no time. There is time.

And I've got my values, but I want a second field test, if you please!

Excuse the outburst, but people telling me what I ought to be to be myself (pazzesco!!) I really had enough!


Monday, March 23, 2009

Bmi For Females In Germany

Poll closed! One of the perpetrators confessed

That concludes the first wild survey running, cheese, step, core drilling, assembly (outreach) of the Wild Blog!

Question: How would you like Wild Boys?


70% -> so cool! We wanted! 12 votes
11% -> Schifo total 2 votes
5% -> Rating Pending 1 vote
5% -> passable 1 vote
5% -> I is indifferent 1 vote

thank those who voted! Yes, you, yourself ... thanks! For this Easter you have done your good action!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Discoloration Dog Lip

Romina Scarpanti, author of the story folleggiante Nightmare premonition " confessed to our blog (see the above ironically while playing with the sentiments of poor Martha!! ).

Etearnity Staff Who the hell is this? As the crowds came the idea to invent Wild Boys? If you have questions, as always, We are all here and then download them in the mailbox of the poor Romina!
But first things first!

Here is the interview!
In spite of doubt here is a legend of the initials: D-Application R-Romina -------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------

D - Staff Etearnity ... What is it? How did this idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a new standard for the Lupo?
R- etearnity The staff is a staff only (not for the fact that consists of all girls) but also because it ties together creative with different aptitudes and abilities, which have one common goal: to provide the reader with fresh and brilliant ideas to entertain and amuse ... just like WB!

And Romina Scarpanti ... Who is it? Tell us something about yourself, such as "born", like "grow up", your experiences, your dreams

R-Ma ... ... Romina are IOOO!! Wooooowww cmq ... well ... it all started when I enrolled in the school of comics in Milan, where I thought I only develop my skills designer. Rather unexpectedly, thanks to the help of a fantastic teacher (as well as the famous comic book writer) Alessandro Sisti, I discovered also have a propensity for creative writing and can not deny ... .. sometimes delusional. Meanwhile, I attended a screenwriting course at the Academy Disney.

However my dream is to create something that remains in the hearts of readers (a work or a comic book or series why not) affecting over a period of their lives, as has happened to me with some comic book or animated series and television. I ask too much? Who knows ... who knows ...

D-author of comics, envy is so ... how to make up stories? Easy, difficult, fun? How to share when he invented a story?

R-Hmmm ... let's see ... it depends! Inspiration or not, you always tear out something out. Sometimes it's a real challenge! But this is precisely the mechanism that urges people to invent new stories. And we say that the fun part starts when you believe you have a good idea and see that the story begins to take shape ... a sense, why not? And here comes the satisfaction!

D-You are also a very capable designer. How important to you, the graphic part in the development of a screenplay?

R-For me, the graphics the script is VITAL! I usually lie down before writing the script a storyboard (and splashed so incomprehensible that it could be confused with the Aztec hieroglyphics !). However, beyond this is always the visual storytelling that inspires me and helps me to talk about certain feelings that I want to communicate to the reader (perhaps with shots ... strange). I look in the "sign of the pencil" I want to convey the message that, despite the knowledge that then translate the storyboards into a script that can be interpreted differently by the designer will be responsible.

D- But enough about you! Let's talk about them, the WB! Who is your favorite character? Why?

R-I love Martha, because it's tough, funny and clumsy at the same time. Marta of The Wild Boys embodies the very spirit of the eighties, the rebellion (never exaggerated) and the independence which is faced with the harsh realities of everyday life (a mother who wants the whole house and church , an unlikely boyfriend "imposed" etc...) But it is nice to see how I can take lightly the situation, thanks to the friendship of Alice and its ambitions as a teenager ... in a nutshell OPTIMISM enviable!

D-Wild boys, you can tell us ... what is the meaning of the series? Why 80 years?

R-fresh and brilliant ideas to entertain and amuse the audience here is the principle which lies behind Wild Boys .. together with a deeper reason, though. We have tried, in fact, give a background to these wonderful characters, something that was fun but at the same time logical. I find that the eighties are perfect fits perfectly to tell the youth of Alberto and company ... A time when optimism abounded and initiative!

D-Someone criticized Martha and Alice:" too bad ", the fashion, lighthearted: as you are "empty" or have any message to launch?

R-I frankly do not see them empty. Sorry, but given certain assumptions it is normal to react in some ways' naughty. Who would not be so with a boyfriend-imposed cousin from his mother, too??

You are stylish, so what? I believe it typical of girls of all ages enhance their appearance. It is a way to indulge and pamper yourself and like it so. The important thing is that behind the glamorous facade there are strong and independent characters , able to do anything. And Alice and Martha own part in this class!

Alberto D-E? Cock god ... why? What lies behind the facade of cool? We read the opinion of lies, but you are one of the authors, you'll know you tell us more about it!

R-Behind the "Albe cool" is hiding a gentle soul and caring.

is the series that shows the clothes a little 'fonzieschi. But this does become more fun and interesting. becomes even more intriguing because it is one that you never know what goes on in his head and who knows, maybe behind this character so strong and superior hides a secret ...

About read, see! AH AH AH!

D-" premonitory nightmare "is the story you signed numbers appeared on the venerable Valentine (February 2009): Where did the idea?

R-Let's see ... it's been a bit 'of time .. so I do mind the local ... AH! I wondered: "Why should never Marta a ring-shaped Edward "... and then it all started from there. As you can see is always a visual game and definitely crazy ... crazy ... ...

D- In your history, the humor is wasted: What is your ideal kind of joke? Demented, built, visual, slapstick: reveal to us your secrets!

R-Depends ... sometimes for visual jokes that I take inspiration from the rubbish fire on Saturday evening between friends. And I confirm that always happen in lucid state. In fact, I wonder what would happen under the influence of spirits ...

Or so, at the time of engaging in certain beats me, even when I'm doing things completely outside of the script ... maybe while I'm cleaning the bathroom sink ...

However love of all those idiotic!

-D Thanks to Romina Scarpanti for availability! We finally found at least in part what lies behind the mysterious pseudonym really Etearnity Staff!

R-I thank everyone for listening to me ... uh ... bed! Oh, and I invite you to see my designs! My nickname is MAGMATIKA! THANKS TO ALL!

---------------------------------------------- -------------------


Birthday: April 24, 1986
Zodiac sign: Taurus
I love: my boyfriend and sing in the car while driving!
Favorite Cocktail: I have not, but I am addicted to Coca-COLAAAAAA ....
Favorite food: pizza with chips!
My avatar on msn: Leonidas, of course!
Favorite movie: the mummy and 300!
A Love Song: I Hate This Part by Pussycat Dolls If I were a
x-men: I wish I could teleport (from the director telling me Nightcrawler?)
A little drawing for the crowds

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Can Leviquin And Biaxin Be Taken Together

Exchanges Accessibility

A small break and here we are again with the new episode of WB!
E 'Spring, and of course we are more eager than ever to having a good time' ... maybe on 4 wheels, if not 8!

Do you understand what we're talking about? Here are some clues !!

1 - Take two sfitinzie bad and place in a nightclub tut shadows ta! If then there is well as a dance contest , the pot is getting greedy!

2 - Add a touch of corruption and a plan -uh! - A perverse tantinello ... Those who do not take advantage of the situation?

3 - Finally add the X Factor of the situation!

NO, HE!!

short! will be the club to promote much-needed meeting between Alberto and Marta?? may redeem such a place of perdition became the scene of the magical alchemy called Love?

Find out only in April 2009 Lupo Alberto!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Kates Playground Free Full Sets

WB vocabulary

to share two or three episodes active, it's time to immerse ourselves in the world of the WB as well regards the lexicon ... !

Ah, what a drag what a drag ... but on what do you want to understand one must speak the same language!

Our good Wild Boys speak in a jargon a bit '80s 'magazine : there are many influences, but more often it was a bit' football to make fun of situations and characteristics.

Let us see the words "key"! And finally understand what the hell they were trying to tell us!

arteries / arterial derives from "arteriosclerotic," and indicates a personality tragically veeeeeecchia ... That's why usually refers to adults, especially the most troublesome or "fake-friendly" ... that is, almost everyone.

SFITINZIA: Girl "pussy", one who always knows how to react in good and bad and you do not put your feet on the head by anybody.

Squinzano: Between Martha and Alice often used in derogatory terms. Equivalent to "chick", generic and tasteless, "any" in short. Also used to indicate who is with whom (eg unlikely "That is the new SQUINZANO Odoardo! ).

TENAX: Legendary gel ultra-strong seal a fairytale! To make us well case, who used it copiously in his youth now has much less hair ... I wonder why ...

ROOSTER / COCK FROM GOD: Figo from fear, one who can enjoy anywhere and everywhere, and when he runs he also knows when to stop having fun and doing "serious one" . In short, a myth!

VERY REGULAR: Absolutely right! It can not be better than that!

's first taste! Who knows that sooner or later you will realize that other words the sense of doubt ... and then we will be here for you!



Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sv2000 How To Record A Ps2

In the Wild Blog exclusive interview with Giac!

James Michaelis ... that say more? We interviewed you, trying to figure out what you think of this series 'wild'! Ready? VIA!


R. Let's start with the classic question point-blank a bit 'useless but there is always: what are the 80's for you?

G. Be '... I was 14 years old when Italy became world champion for the third time in '82, I

graduated in '86, I started up in '89 Lupo Alberto ... I would say a decade that marked me for better or for worse! ^____^

R. Wild Boys in the female characters have a "charge" rather than the usual. Martha and Alice, for example, as you see them? What it adds and removes this set to their characters?

G. The classic pair of friends. This set off a Marta especially all the good sense and the desire to marry that dominates in the normal range and returns a bit 'light and wants to madness. Alice shows the conditions for what will be big: a force to combat shyness swallowing walker pounds, he or she alone must be overly greasy and shameless ... but these things should tell you better know how to say the authors of the texts, in basically I'm just the designer.

R. WB is a spin-off of Lupo Alberto, which is a version taken from the main serei but not bound by the same strict continuity: what do you think of this version of the past of the characters? How do you put your opinion in these matters than the "Wolf" classic and consolidated?

G. Being a fairly freely reinterpreted the past, are stories of him, and for this I would have seen their better situated in a little paper in part or in an insert that was added to the monthly classic ... so I create a bit 'of contrasts between the various types and generations of readers. I fear that the player with the first gray hair at the temples will find these stories too light and too light will also references to the '80s. Sure would be nice to do a meticulous reconstruction of the environments and situations like in the movie "The Nightmare Before Christmas", too bad it's hard to do in so few pages, while you try to tell a story! I hope you enjoy half the players still with the plumage of puppies.
Or not? But then ... will be half and half old hens and chicks, I mean?

R. As a trained artist with the Wolf "classic" to draw the characters of young people?

G. Just make him shorter beaks, put the clothes, the hair ... et voila! Scherzo, sounds easy, but in reality, especially the habit of drawing the characters in the classic style, the "rejuvenation" ra me enough attention. Just put a side by side Marta taken from a story or a normal strip and Marta WB and play "marked differences" to realize this.

R. Speaking of characterization: to recreate the look of the characters inspired you to someone special? What is your favorite WB character and why?

G. Since the protagonists two girls, who could not inspire me to Madonna (the singer) in the first 3 discs ('84 / '85 / '86), all lace and ribbons ... but simply can not forget legwarmers in Flashdance Irene Cara?

For bullies ... well 'are a bit ... paninari' tristanzuolo say it, but it is the only young fashion exported from Italy (I am talking about genuine fashion invented by the boys, not those imposed by the designers). Maybe metalhead
Alcide is a characterization that I enjoy most ... is equal to my high school buddy (who also appeared in the very first cartoon strip Robi)! I especially like because it leaves a lot of dall'Alcide usual, but also a little Louis ''70' s is not bad. The best character is
ovviamete Marta, which takes a bit 'in the place of Alberto normal series.

R. The stories about love, friendship, youth affairs: you believe that message sent to young people (and other) readers?

G. They read little story, perhaps with the continuous series can "run" a few messages, but for now I see them more as a divertissement. However, that there is never a bad thing, sometimes the brain is rested between a thought and another.
Although in the history of February [ Nightmare premonition "Ed ], Alice and Martha appear somewhat" naughty "against the poor Edward, which will ensure a break ... but he has feelings too!
is perhaps the first message is here: children too careful to run behind Squinzi prettiest in the class, you might get hurt!
And conversely: girls, a bit 'less evil, no? Do so afraid, brrrrrr!

R. We often speak of "stories that leave something" you think WB that category?

G. As mentioned earlier, a little something already evident, even if to leave something more "heavy" in my opinion, we need to we can still work.

R. When you have spoken for the first time in the series, what did you think? Honestly!

G. Cool new stuff! But the really interesting thing was discovering that it was written by four comely maidens!
... eh eh eh!
I seem a little 'Edward, so ... Sincerely
are always willing to change and develop / renew the work, so I welcomed the news of the new series with enthusiasm.

R. The Wolf was a young cock god "all tenax and no fire" or something more behind it?

G. I think not. The lupastro is cool for everything he does for his imbranatezza, for his obstinacy to attend Marta is fleeing the beatings of Moses and the altar.
E 'cool because he really loves her Marta.
E 'cool, because despite everything she loves at that' incurable pain in the ass of Henry.
E 'because it's cool nerd.
It 'looks a little bit cool because all of us. So
has shoulders big enough to make him play a bully to Fonzie, a rooster from God with due irony, without sounding shit ever.
And here I refer to the non-continuity on which the series is structured:
Yes there are the characters from Mckenzie boys, but they are the liberal interpretations, some look like they could actually be as teenagers, others not.
If you ask around, young and old, most will reply that the Wolf is a cool character. Why
really think and why it really is.
So, I repeat, why not let him play a cool?


Giac Thanks, you're still our hero!

If you still want Read more, leave your questions in the comments for sure and get one (maybe) comprehensive answer!