Eliana Louise Bouchard Louise, a song without pausing, the pause if you earned the most from the first page. Tonight we are few, Giusy, Mirca, Lorenzo Letizia, Katie, Clare and me. Of these only three have read a few and only me in the end the book seems to have been pleasure. Why Katie got bored and Clare thought to lighten a tantinello Louise could go to the spa. Nostalgia that the hot springs of Saturnia and that of Graziano Biglia funny guy! The others, some more than others, they stopped at page sixty or so. Lawrence found him away from his plans at this stage of his life. Giusy usually reads the historical genre, but this was actually ... no breaks! Perhaps because he has not read the attached tables, as it did Clare. And Letizia learns from the plates of potato cultivation in Frankfurt and there were no windows in Spain. Beware indeed! We are in the sixteenth century. Anyway, you learn something reading it. Mirca instead in its brief reading found, not a believer, something that has made you feel envy for those who do it and was able to be moved by the prayer that is to insist indefinitely, so stubborn and arrogant, that even if he does not hear you Finally, once you put and answers.
So. Adveniat regnum tuum says Clare to me. I too have struggled to overcome the absence of breaks in this song Baroque. Cantata between moons matrons, unknown and unexpected loneliness, which expand distances absences, hopeful and expected changes, the possibility of new love, new children, new places, poignant nostalgia, things that vibrate memory of most living things, and smell the past without a present day, letters, family ties, excruciating wait, kill the enthusiasm, good lessons, flowers, hands, heaven words, contemplation and despair, abandonment and trust, responsibility, patience, dignity , old age, sold, strategies, power and prestige, heresies, diplomats, embassies and mediation, a prisoner of mother love paper, a jealous God and does not tolerate that old to be shared with anyone and sifting through a long life last October.
was Rosanna, even absent this evening to make me find the thread of song without pause. A few days ago has run let her go to a parallel with the Night Bus by Giampiero. And I, from the parallelism, I was left wondering what to drive, more than anything, the Night Bus, I had stayed. And it was something that was not a character. It was the smell. By Louise, a book, I found the tolerance. Louise, a character is a woman who manages, with the numerous and far-reaching absence of pauses in fact, to weave the most stable of relationships that led to a political settlement for a long time European friendly between Catholics and Protestants. Here is the tolerance. What we want every idea, each one having its own strength. And a god who refuses to remain involved in most of his time to draw up a list of the damned and one of the elect.
I tried to convince Itinerant Louise this evening that deserved to be read at the end. Why this poor wretch, who becomes a great woman, dies. Not so much old age as you might expect given its venerable age. Louise teaches us that we die for silence. For if people knew how well they can make words and the reading of words, perhaps it would be so stingy.