Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What Towrite On Wedding Card Not Corny

September 1994: Vittorio Sgarbi for the exhibition in the renovated Museum of Marascalchi.

opportunity to present the Museo Civico di Feltre, after restoration by architect Francesco Doglioni, the exhibition was dedicated to Peter De Marascalchi. In September 1994, including Vittorio Sgarbi, former Superintendent of the Veneto and neo-parliamentary, attended the inauguration ceremony, at the invitation of my colleague the Hon Flavio Devetag Feltre. At the table of the Presidency, with a young mayor Gianvittorio Vaccari its tenth month in office, Nicolas Comar director of the Museum of Feltre and future Provincial Councillor for Culture.
AGD2000 Photo Archive, Agency of Journalistic Dolomites Lele Taborgna

Monday, December 13, 2010

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greet greeting

lyrics gapless Louise has made us so tired that before Christmas we just wanted to be a little 'talkative, a bit of' light, full of pauses. Accomplices holidays looming we find a pizza for a pre auspicious greetings. Rosanna, Barbara, Joy, Louise, Lorenzo, Albert, Louis and me. Too bad for those who could not be! Just nice to have found and Luigi Alberto. Who have served on the resolutions for the new year. Qulache doubt about the authorship of the Sicilian and Emilia Parma. Then a discussion grizzled man and female preferences. By the way: do not remember if Giampiero is grizzled beard ... yes. Gianrico yes. Alberto summer love. The state exam and the course anecdotal. The Our next readings. Our next guests. And the arrival of the new year full of enthusiasm.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Free Games Like Poptropica

For fifteen years the 'Archaeological Area is open to visitors.

Fifteen Years of Archaeological Area to visitors. From 'Month store Feltre / Belluno Month (AGD2000-Agency of Journalistic Dolomites) three images are from 1995, when the inauguration of the Archaeological from Roman times located in the courtyard of the Cathedral of Feltre. The late painter Bruno Milan shows the poster of the Superintendent, made for the event.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Brazilian Waxing In Japan

From November 26 the Lady dressed in white. Feltre

Snow as White Feltre. The first time Nov. 26. Then 28. Today is December 1st.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Rabbit Hand Foot And Mouth Disease

Life Silent

You can die by the sword but also for the silence of men, and I decided not to move from the side of friends.

(Eliana Louise Bouchard)

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Eliana Louise Bouchard

Louise, a song without pausing, the pause if you earned the most from the first page. Tonight we are few, Giusy, Mirca, Lorenzo Letizia, Katie, Clare and me. Of these only three have read a few and only me in the end the book seems to have been pleasure. Why Katie got bored and Clare thought to lighten a tantinello Louise could go to the spa. Nostalgia that the hot springs of Saturnia and that of Graziano Biglia funny guy! The others, some more than others, they stopped at page sixty or so. Lawrence found him away from his plans at this stage of his life. Giusy usually reads the historical genre, but this was actually ... no breaks! Perhaps because he has not read the attached tables, as it did Clare. And Letizia learns from the plates of potato cultivation in Frankfurt and there were no windows in Spain. Beware indeed! We are in the sixteenth century. Anyway, you learn something reading it. Mirca instead in its brief reading found, not a believer, something that has made you feel envy for those who do it and was able to be moved by the prayer that is to insist indefinitely, so stubborn and arrogant, that even if he does not hear you Finally, once you put and answers.
So. Adveniat regnum tuum says Clare to me. I too have struggled to overcome the absence of breaks in this song Baroque. Cantata between moons matrons, unknown and unexpected loneliness, which expand distances absences, hopeful and expected changes, the possibility of new love, new children, new places, poignant nostalgia, things that vibrate memory of most living things, and smell the past without a present day, letters, family ties, excruciating wait, kill the enthusiasm, good lessons, flowers, hands, heaven words, contemplation and despair, abandonment and trust, responsibility, patience, dignity , old age, sold, strategies, power and prestige, heresies, diplomats, embassies and mediation, a prisoner of mother love paper, a jealous God and does not tolerate that old to be shared with anyone and sifting through a long life last October.
was Rosanna, even absent this evening to make me find the thread of song without pause. A few days ago has run let her go to a parallel with the Night Bus by Giampiero. And I, from the parallelism, I was left wondering what to drive, more than anything, the Night Bus, I had stayed. And it was something that was not a character. It was the smell. By Louise, a book, I found the tolerance. Louise, a character is a woman who manages, with the numerous and far-reaching absence of pauses in fact, to weave the most stable of relationships that led to a political settlement for a long time European friendly between Catholics and Protestants. Here is the tolerance. What we want every idea, each one having its own strength. And a god who refuses to remain involved in most of his time to draw up a list of the damned and one of the elect.
I tried to convince Itinerant Louise this evening that deserved to be read at the end. Why this poor wretch, who becomes a great woman, dies. Not so much old age as you might expect given its venerable age. Louise teaches us that we die for silence. For if people knew how well they can make words and the reading of words, perhaps it would be so stingy.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Free Vehicle Auctions Ontario


Fall Literary Program will be four evenings, from Thursday, November 11, 2010:

11/11/2010 - "The painter and the model: from Romanticism to Picasso and beyond ...."
(Thursday) by Sergio Favotto , in preparation for a possible visit the exhibition in Treviso

18/11/2010 - "The so-called minor literature: Bolulevard American circus and other stories"
(Thursday) John Crespi - Franco has Berton

26.11.2010 - "On Grappa after the victory
(Friday) Malagutti Paul - Davide Melchiori has

03.12.2010 - "Almost a hundred years"
(Friday) by Lorenzo Parolin, James and John Zonta Zonta - presents Marco Nicolini

Meetings will be held at the Auditorium of the Middle Schools of San Zeno Ezzelini, in Canova at 20.30.


Monday, October 18, 2010

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Life Poet

Kill a poet is a multiple homicide. It turns off his voice is the voice of many who speak attarverso his words.

(Sun and Shadow Cinzia Tani)

Poptropica Corruption

from Sun and Shade of Life Small Cinzia Tani

The book will be much discussion this evening, according to many SMS I received during reading. Is discussed in a contradictory manner, but with real tenacity by factions readers. Each to defend their reasons of beauty or ugliness, to expand, if any were needed, the gap in views of some Itinerant ... at random: for example, Maria and Katya. Is that right Giusy We are a group of readers very aware, very self - conscious. The anonymous self-conscious! Giusy tonight is amazing. Go to order, however, I have not yet made admissions and there is a new, Alessandra, who wants to peek at how the meetings are held. I think she caught the evening more impetuous! Apart from Giuseppe and Alessandra are therefore Luisa, Letizia, Lorenzo, Mirca, Katie, Clare, Mary, Rosanna and myself.
Sun and Shadow, the second prize at Campiello, 2008, for many of us would have deserved the prize. Mirca capacity is not how the jury could have decreed the victory Rossovermiglio. Lorenzo has a completely different opinion. Cinzia Tani have known him and broke it found in the book, meticulous and precise, but studied and off the field. Why did not the war, says Giuseppe. And we laugh at all. Katia is in agreement with Lorenzo. The author is too academic remains a good researcher but that is not his job as a writer. Mary is contrary to Katia. She remained enchanted book. He only had to skip some parts for the historical desire to find the characters. Characters, all very passionate and always at odds with each other. Manuel and Mercedes, Nina, and Beatrice, Lori and Michael. Mary thinks that Sun and Shadow is a book of love for Spain and for her children. Giusy a book of love for the ideology. Mirca simply for life, and I agree, as Nina, the main character, a thousand bad things she could not side with anyone, not even take sides when it could mean making life easier. Rosa believes that the author has built good characters, since they were children. Already, says happiness, pity though that the magic of the characters being interrupted by historical narratives. Katia presses with his disappointment and claims that are repeated characters. So it's doubly nice to the author, Maria replies. Clare, too bad, it failed to become attached to any character, except that we all adored Rafael. Giuseppe and I though we were in love with Michael and we are serious about trying to find him or his niece without going either too far away, in Ferrara. Now we're doing a little 'fools but from reading this book came out interesting themes such as guilt, friendship, the hypocrisy of bourgeois ideology, and heroism. Even then love. In the background a magical realism that group winners and losers as in bullfighting places in the sun and placed in the shade. And here recriminated Luisa Lorenzo having taken place in the sun for the spectacle of bullfighting which was attended by about a year ago.
Magic Realism, said. The fact that he was to deliver the mail coming Rafael only good news. Or that hero can be anyone. And eyes, empty, expressionless, in a turquoise difficult to play, but safes were crammed with precious treasures. Then to assume that Michael was the only time. Poverty ill received, and the desire to be abducted by another family. As the desire to choose his death. The friendship and envy, more sun and shade. Morality shot almost in the name of Nina Morales. And they love the idea that masturbation intellectual and literary fantastic light years away from human experience . Take another identity for a sense of guilt or heroic narcissism. And what about the beauty that moves? And that possess it, the beauty of Julian, an emotion can be unbearable? The emotions that color. Or a music rhythm only one who has inside. And war is a tragedy and not just laugh about it. Finally, the loneliness, There is also the type aristocrat. The case. And love comes alone, even to get that red, which was then not only pain, technically difficult to play, where most of the turquoise just look in his eyes.
But I'll never say that unless you return all your friends will remember. And if you have more dreams you resign yourself to the life you were intended. I lack the courage.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Kate Playground Zip Set

Cathedral apse moved ... Tombstones

Two visitors from Trento, posed a particular question: "Where is, in Feltham, with the apse of the church moved, tilted his head to signify the cross of Christ?".
A quick visit to the certainty of truth, and here's the answer.
The apse of the Duomo, Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle Feltre entitled to, is actually shifted to the left of the axis in the church plant. Here is a guide to Feltre, Lele Taborgna, January 1994: "The visitor becomes aware of rebuilding not just past the entrance station, can be seen that the main altar is off-axis with respect to the plan of the church: to go in a straight line with the Old Cathedral, apse, chancel, altar and side, we need to respond to a couple of meters on right of the main. "

Images from" A Guide To Feltre "- the plan of the cathedral, built by Lele Taborgna, but not technical guidance.
View: www.guidafeltre.blogspot . com.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Stickers On College Helmets


Program in October will ARGUMENT:

07/10/10 - "The textile art of the cathedral of Asolo"
Historical analysis and technical textiles in the world within the ecclesiastical sphere, with particular attention to the findings of the cathedral of Asolo.
Exposes Dr. Maddalena Pellizzon

14/10/10 - "Inside and out of reality: function education of the fairy tale "
description of the impact of education and training has had the fantasy story, a fairy tale in particular, on the various children of all ages. Outlines the function, evolution and structure of the fantasy story has changed over time and in society.
Exposes Dr. Anita Pellizzari

21/10/10 - "Francesco Dal Ponte - the Elder" Papa
Jacob, founder of the art studio of Bassano, born about 1477 and died in 1539: Artwork by about 20 works.
Exposes Dr. Marie Morosin

28/10/10 - "The acculturation immigrant adolescents' Adolescent
immigrant must cross two borders: the geographical and growth: a general reflection on adolescence in a changing world.
Exposes Dr. Enrico Baldo

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Vegeta And Bulma Moments On Series

September 30, 2010

On 30 September we expect in Villa Marini Rubelli, for the inauguration of the same, after the Restoration.
Prof David Geronazzo
Maurizio Trevisan Arch
Meeting Barchessa at the Villa Marina Rubelli to Sopracastello
20:00 Top of the event with greetings by organizzatri and Municipal Administration: Introduction the evening
20:15 Brief guided tour of the Villa
20:45 History by Prof David Geronazzo
21:15 Illustration of the restoration by the architect Maurizio Trevisan; projection of photographs
21:45 Final debate and Greetings

Rubelli Marini Villa was completed in 1753.

the first floor you can see the bay central arch supported by columns with no balcony.
ground floor room has a beamed Sansovino. The facade is embellished with frescoes on mythological false niches.

The Villa has been the parish asylum, and now there is celebrated at the church, the feast of Our Lady of Mount Caramel.

Archè Cultural Association - San Zeno Ezzelini

Xepisodes Iphone Not Workings

PROGRAMME 2010-2011

September 30, 2010: "The restoration of Villa Marini-Rubelli"

in October thesis exhibition of some thesis
Thursday, 2007, 14, 21 and 28 October 2010

Fall literary presentation of works by various local authors
Thursday 11 and November 18, Friday, November 26 and Friday, December 3, 2010

Course philosophy: "Pathways to Research of happiness "
reflections on the reasons of action in the history of philosophy
by prof. Ivano Zordan
every Thursday from Thursday 20 January to 24 March 2011

psychology course: Parents and Children: the fears of children with adolescent crises, how to overcome them without going into crisis!
by Dr. Alessandra Serraglio
12.19 and Thursday 26 May 2011

Monday, September 20, 2010

Para Que Sirve El Quadriderm

deleted: anything left.

"deadly race will never trust the great Bernardo
noble Gradenigo"
A small plaque, one of the first floor windows of Via Luzzo 11 , has remained untouched by the French stonemasons in 1797. Who was Bernardo Gradenigo Bertoldelli remembers Jerome in his History of Feltre, where lists Rectors of Feltre with the title of Mayor since 1404, the first year to Venice after the period of the Visconti of Milan. In 1652, Bernardo Gradenigo was mayor of Feltre. Is quoted from other sources, as mayor of Verona and in Istria.

Monday, September 13, 2010

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... and I just want to make love. I have always opted for the small stuff.

(Rossovermiglio Benedetta Cibrario)

Where Can You Get A Driver's Manual In Pa

Rossovermiglio Benedetta Cibrario

for anything you can postpone the meeting tonight, the first after the summer break. So when Albert called me to tell me who has problems with the keys to the room I tell him to let me think a little '. Some exchange of text messages and then I think it is too late and who will participate will be already gone so much better that you are still outside the headquarters and from there you decide. A bar that our discussion on unsuspecting guests Rossovermiglio'll find it for sure while we pretend to linger a bit 'more about an aperitif. It's not the city of Bologna aperitifs long? And then! Then there is coming Giusy meeting, while waiting on a blade already there Katie, Clare, Albert, Barbara, Letizia, Mary, Rosanna and I, who gives us his office. Intercept Mirca bike that is flying at 116 with a unanimous chorus and ... 'that the street screaming vulgarities!' would have rebuked the Granmammà and burst into laughter. The office is cozy Giusy like you, and Tulips chairs elusive fake apart. We have already decided the path to do for the next cycle when it finally comes to us after having lost in the web Luisa Bologna. At the suggestion of Rosanna decide to read literary awards even though Mary is skeptical with the victors. Rossovermiglio is the winner of the 2008 Campiello, we could read the four finalists for that award, "says Letizia. Yeah. I smile thinking that Gianrico mentally it was a finalist for 2009. And Giampiero? We will have the prize?
Let's start with the discussion. E 'Rosanna to start in a Freudian and could not be more appropriate. Enjoy reading in bed, he leaves to say. A story is not exceptional, passionate at times with the final incomprehensible. Letizia is a story placed the wrong time and timing, as the fairies in fairy tales come alive out of time. Katie points out that the story is that of transformation of a country but is in agreement with Letizia: The Sleeping Beauty has overslept. Not only slept for Barbara, who lived without passion is like not living. Mirca also agrees with Katie, that the historical transformation has not been internalized by the characters, changes in general not be paid to the evolution of feelings. Giusy for the protagonist is presented as a heroine who is not fully the result of the aristocracy. For Maria's character is elusive, as the chairs of Giuseppe, was conscious of his weakness so he can not afford to let go. A Clare and the book is just like Alberto. Even when Luisa was struck by how the protagonist is a spectator and his life and what happens around. The almost unanimous critical to the character and patina bourgeois emancipation assumed emotions contained, the absence of rebellion, the presumption and pride of what we could afford as a donation in the absurd, almost, the illegitimate son of her husband. While his illegitimate child would recover almost like a confession sfuggitale change from his pockets.
The case, patience and tears. Life elsewhere might have led our countess and it is the case, killing his brother, had given the bandwidth on the Chianti hills. The band, with patience, learned to make wine. With as much patience as she waited for her love. He did not shed tears when he left that love trotting, or she cried when her brother died in a disrespectful and so stubborn, had made her free from her husband's wealth. Beautiful image of the tears that are never paid as underground rivers that dig burrows into the bowels of the soul es'infiltrano since. But the surface is easy to find a dry land.
Fairies are nimble in their affairs and a century ago in the hurry to pass. And if you stayed in all this time and has not dreamed it may be because life itself has been a long dream. Finding the end a love that was not known may be waking from a dream. My delight . Arrogate to itself the right to love, to do so live or die, it can be as big as love itself. Whether you call omnipotence, with the name of Francis, and we call it simply money, the name of Trott.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Why Do I Get Dizzy When I Inhale Cigarettes

1797.Lapidi chiselled. The inscriptions on the buildings cleared by the French.

The most frequent question asked by visitors to Piazza Maggiore and the Citadel of Feltre, within the walls, covers the many plaques on various buildings in the center, with inscriptions erased. "Why?", They ask, "Who was that?".
We are in 1797, the year of the French armies in the territory of the Republic of Venice. General Massena runs on Feltre and Belluno his soldiers. On 13 March troops, fresh of the Revolution of 1789, occupied the city. Accordingly, the cancellation, by following the army of stonemasons, the writing on the tombstones of Venetian palaces and power. Subsequently, the City settled with the representatives of the town subdivision in six cantons, is also abolished titles of nobility.

1797: French domination. The city was occupied March 13, 1797. 1798: Austrian rule as a result of the Treaty of Campoformido. 1805: Back in the Veneto Feltre, taken by Napoleon I. 1813: reoccupied by the Austrians enter the Kingdom of Lombardy-Veneto. (See complete history at the bottom of the page).

The Regional Centre of the National Library System, reports of publications, documents, manifestos, edicts of Feltre in 1797, immediate settlement of revolutionary France. Here are some elements, for those who wish to deepen, as preserved in the Biblioteca Civica di Belluno ..

Li * 30 Prairial years of the French republic, I. of freedom 'in Venice, 18. June 1797 VS - In Feltre: For the Citizen printers Domenico Bizzarini Municipality ', 1797. - 1 sheet steering wheel; second. ((Letter published by the Milan Municipality James Zannettelli with Bonaparte's proposal to base the Cisalpine Republic).

* Committee to subsistence, arts and commerce, and agriculture. Made it almost Stock of wood this exhausted attendants to the need of the French ... - In Feltre: for Domenico Bizzarini Citizen printers Municipality ', 1797. - 1 sheet steering wheel; second. (Has provisions for the procurement of wood).

* On behalf of the Municipality 'Feltre with them six cantons of the territory at the Finance Committee. The Ten thousand borrowed Ducati decreed by the Municipality '(li 20. Meadow) 8. June course and 'already' completed ... - Of felt: for Domenico Bizzarini Citizen printers Communities', 1797. - 1 poster; second. (Has the announcement of the issue of a loan for 20 000 ducats).

* On behalf of the Municipality 'subsistence to the Committee of Feltre, arts, commerce, and agriculture. In due course, which recognizes Committee to reduce this discipline not only the sale of bread, and de 'Edible, but still the Weights and Measures, which are the rule in contracts, and' now the extensive prescribing of this article proclaims ... - Of felt: for Domenico Bizzarini Citizen printers Municipality ', 1797. - 1 poster; second. (It includes provisions on control measures and by imposing weights to drop up to use only the Veneto Feltre).

* On behalf of the Municipality 'subsistence to the Committee of Feltre, arts, and commerce. Although these municipalities' has placed them in use every means to complement Reflexive requisition of canvas ... - Of felt: for Domenico Bizzarini Citizen printers Municipality ', 1797. - 2nd. (Leaflets with provisions in the fabric and the French soldiers).

* In the name of the French republic one and indivisible. Li 5. prereal years V. French Republican and the first freedom 'Venetian 24. May 1797 old style. The Municipal People of Feltre, and its territory. - (In Feltre: for Domenico Bizzarini Printer Citizen of the Municipality '), 1797. - 2nd.

The Municipality * 'of Feltre. Of the Vanities', and pride, not already 'of real merit, and pride, not already' the real merit were the titles ... . - [Feltre: Bizzarini], 1797. - 1 poster; second. (Abolition of titles of nobility).

* The Municipalities' Feltham of the people of the territory. - Of felt: for Domenico Bizzarini Citizen printers Municipality ', 1797. - 1 poster; second. ((Date of issue below: May 25, 1797. - In the lead: Liberty Equality. - Initial letter engraved. - (Contains the subdivision of land into six cantons for the election of representatives in the Municipality Feltre).

* The Municipalities' of Feltre. Continuing to pour over the way of lower prices to the People ... . - Of felt: for Domenico Bizzarini Citizen printers Municipality ', 1797. - 2nd. (Provisions on the price of tobacco and salt in favor of the "poor country town").

* The Municipalities' of Feltre. You will need to Citizens, each ... - Of felt: for Domenico Bizzarini Citizen printers Municipality ', 1797. - 1 sheet; second. ((Date of issue below: May 26, 1797. - In the lead: Liberty Equality. - Notice that imposes the obligation to report to Christopher d'Agostino, deputy housing, the men of the French present in the home of Felt.

* The Municipalities' of Feltre in session with them six members of the cantons in the area. Must be guaranteed by the illegal use, and property damage them Communal Land use allocated to the common ... - Of felt: for Domenico Bizzarini Citizen printers Municipality ', 1797. - 1 sheet steering wheel; second. (Contains provisions on municipal property).

The * Municipalities' of Feltre. In debt to comply with the orders of General Maj Delmas received by the Commissioner of War Tripoul ... - Of felt: for Domenico Bizzarini Citizen printers Municipality ', 1797. - 2nd. (Orders to every parish priest and asked employees to submit to the existing inventory of silverware in churches and oratories).

* The Municipalities' of Feltre. Received a notice of this Municipality, 'which occurred in the neighboring territory Bellunese any outbreak of infection much it reflected' Cattle ... - Of felt: for Domenico Bizzarini Citizen printers Municipality ', [1797]. - 1 poster; second. (Date of adoption at the end: June 2, 1797. - Contains provisions concerning FMD).

* The Municipalities' of Feltre. I hate them vanished monuments of servitude ', and oppression, you will see, Citizens brothers, to rise in this public square that tree, he' s a symbol of freedom 'de' Peoples regenerated ... . - Of felt: for Domenico Bizzarini Citizen printers Municipality ', 1797. - 1 sheet steering wheel; second. (I invite the public to attend the erection of the tree of liberty 'June 15).

* The erection of the tree of liberty 'in the city' to Feltham on 27. Prairial 15. June 1797 VS V year of the French republic I. of freedom 'in Venice. Patriotic song, music and choir for the citizens of the Municipality Bartolammeo Villabruna order '. - [Feltre: Domenico Bizzarini], 1797. - 1 poster; second.

cite text: Vittorio Veneto Club History Research - Quaderno n. 3 (September 1997), pp. 83-96 George Zoccoletto

2 - The French occupation
The victorious advance of Napoleon to the western borders of the Venetian state
was blocked by the resistance of a part of the 'Austrian army remained entrenched in the fortress of Mantua.
Only in early February of 1797 the Austrians had to surrender through hunger
and hardship.
The military operations that took on renewed vigor.
the command of the Austrian general in place of ninety
Alvinczy, was Archduke Charles sent thirty.
He tried to organize in the face rearward position, thinking in a
first time of rising on the left bank of the Piave.
The French were organized into three main columns.
A column commanded by General Massena turned into the Valsugana, a
second, commanded by Napoleon, Asolo advanced to the third, commanded first by General and then by General Augereau Guieu, and then pointed at Castelfranco Treviso.
Asolo Starting from the morning of March 12, 1797 Napoleon points Vidor
and Cyan and crossed the Piave, passing up temporary bridges thrown over wagons
stolen from local farmers .
The same General went in person to understand nailing boards. From
Treviso General Guieu Lovadina points, while the general went out Massena
Valsugana the first to point and click on Feltre Belluno.
The Austrians, commanded by General Hohenzollern, put up a little
challenging resistance, dictated by the plans of the 'Archduke Charles, who had opted to back on the front of the Tagliamento.
The junction of the column led by Napoleon commanded the
by General Guieu was Susegana and S. Lucia, town reached at
'dusk on the day 12.
On the same evening, broke in Serravalle about 3,000 French, who descended
Go from Belluno, where they had to overcome a body Polpet Austrian commanded by General Lusignan.
the morning of March 13 under the command of Napoleon reached Conegliano
30,000 hotel and stopped the Post Office to organize the next moves.
He ordered the city authorities immediately to prepare 20,000 rations of bread and 20 oxen for slaughter, and 25 loads of hay and oats as much. vanguard of the column, consisting of about 3,000 men, went to S. James with the intent to prey on the supplies of food may be abandoned by the Austrians.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Motorbike Track Birthday Cakes

Life Stupid or imperfect

... not want to start (to smoke), true?

No. .. just to remind me every now and then ... we're not perfect, we do stupid things in life.

(In the Name of the Father Gianni Biondillo)

Black Stool After Drinking Wine

In the Name of the Father Gianni Biondillo

is the end. Our last meeting before the summer break before the evening greeting. Only six tonight, not as intimate ever, even for the argument that we are going to face. It's me, Alberto (which won an award for presence), Luigi, Maria, and Barbara Mirca. Letizia is added to the end. Too bad for Rosanna that he thought the meeting was tomorrow and best wishes to Mercede who is about to give birth. The others look good.
In the name of the father, you end up.
When I was little in the name of the father they began a day, we started to eat, then ended that day. In my father's name could not be overdriven. Everything, always, was in the name of the father, in fact. Happen tonight to speak also of the families of the past, women bore without medical care nor psychological, their depressions that did not even give your name, so that's why I remember in my father's name.
Luke, the father of this book is weak in the eyes of Louis Albert, than by a strong man who rescues him only when he wants to become a father for the second time. It is interesting to look at fatherhood from the same male and the female eye. We women, those present, we set forth in such discomfort that may prove a man witnessing the birth, in the sense of inferiority that can wrap before a fatigue so bad, the jealousy which might contribute to the arrival of a who also contributed to the child. We tender embrace that we leave in the words of Mary to be emptied when we suffer for our creatures, can understand this man? Yet it is the blood that makes us children or we do mothers or fathers. The world expects this to be a mother now, just given birth, the father can take his time and, if so, has more justification, that the mother seems not to have. But, as suggested Mirca, this father, this Luke, it seems almost a female character and his suffering was so strong that a Louis smiling and eager to pull back from even the remotest possibility that it will be on him. So almost decided that it would be better not to have children, Do not share even a family project. For a moment, makes us smile then its drastic but try to convince him that something could be done for example, simply would not be present at birth, in the case. Spared the torment of his lady. Alberto but has no doubts. Him his children will see them come into the world. He says that his father did with him. Only with him though, with his brother hath been pulled back. Barbara did not doubt the man was when he made his son even when there has to be born. Not bat an eyelid. Maybe. Yes, because not all women want or maybe you would like to appear nude in such suffering. So little graceful, without dignity, in their intimacy lacking in any erotic and sensual as it may have been the act of love that brought them this far. I would say even shame. I would say that is just their choice to have or not have his companion at your side, and that if they want they should not exempt themselves because, to quote Mary, he has already had his ass (which is struggling to write, Mary, do not You could use luck?) not to his son, at least let crush an arm!
In the book we stumble into a character that is beautiful Michael. He is a father already experienced, beautiful in its being a father. Even in his being a friend. Mirca reading reminds us perhaps the most beautiful sentence in this book where have a child is like going to school , when a child is born is the first day of school, father and everything you need to learn is to teach the child . Luigi, who already had made us smile with his stance of not having children and the fact that Luke is weak not because it really is but why is the writer who described it this way, makes us smile even when naively reveals that he seemed to be disturbing the pupil of his son.
Advocate woman no one likes, is superficial in terms of feelings, not risk, do, as well as it should be, only to judgments. And he teased Louis in legal terms, giving him inspiration for his thesis. And for the profession, in the case. Again. Mirca lets go with confidence to the story of two friends and rescues Mary Sandro, while all played up in the bottom of a dirty trick, for she is able to redeem himself in the eyes of his giving, at a price just questionable, the presence of the child on Christmas Day. Accomplice to a foil that even if you do go back to a weakness it's just a reminder that you are not perfect, we do stupid things in life.

Monday, February 15, 2010

How Long Does Ultram Stay In Ur System

Lady discreet. Panorama of Feltre by bike paths.

Image: Feltre by Village, the city disappears and is visible low on the Goat Hill.

Saturday, February 13 Asslib Tourism Observatory took the first bike path in 2010, tour Feltrina Conca (See: ).
The panorama of the city, from the village of Villaga, hides the real proportions and immortalizes Alboino Castle and Tower on the Hill of Goats.
The tour, recommended, touches two Venetian Villas: Villa Tonello to Fonzaso Arten (the '500) and in Pedavena Pasolo Villa (second half of '600).
Feltre, from every side you see, is magnificent.

Photo: Villa Tonello to Fonzaso Arten, XVI century. Each current population was a castle of Feltre, after the annexation of Venice (1404) in place of the castles were built villas on the order of Venice, with transfer of Lords in the palaces of the Citadel, on the Hill of Goats.