At this point one begins to think of having something wrong, so sorry. possible that it's all a ciccicicci first and then suddenly you're the worst bastard the planet? I mean, sometimes I think that is insensitive to me.
Why is it so, no? All you are the coolest, most ... the most tranzollo. And so when the girl you spring mica can give it to see what we're evil. I would like just know that hell knows me people ... All there to judge, all there to think about my business.
But there is someone capable of thinking with his head, and not mine? Am I wrong finished on the star, the one where a girl like I say does not exist? one that I want to be with me not because they "must", not because they are "cool." I want it one that is with me because he wants me and nobody else.
For the girls I've had so far was pretty much like the new clock to be shown around. And maybe I had about my weaknesses, so I'm going to mica spit judgments.
But now enough of girls so I do not want to hear speak. Because the heart I've got too me, and I must say that by now is tired of beating empty.
Guys, it is true in November is a month ke sad and dark, onion slut!
Within 10 days both me ke Marta we had some trouble to deal with, and not counting the usual professors who wake up every last moment and lay claim to 3 (and we already went well!) class assignments for the same day, seasoned with suspected Question of Latin!
But I say, how the hell do I get a Christmas vacation to VIVA?? I also want LIVING , get out, see people, see guys ....... No well ..... k guys I know I would not have the courage, but in short, has a well the right to dream, right?
In short: NO! Let us breathe, teachers! Tell us to study time and then do all the checks at one time?? Sky, buy yourself un'agendina group! A calendar! THE POST-IT!
a second before you think that everything is fine, that everything is ok, and the next moment you're in tears, to ask why.
Look up and look for a breather, a bit 'of fresh air that you wake from the nightmare in which you are finished.
It happens to everyone sooner or later. But what really counts in those moments is what the sky does not tell you.
It tells you why. Do not you reassured about what will be. But there is immense upon you, and you know you're not alone. You can not be alone. You must not feel alone.
When love ends when someone leaves, I lift my eyes to the sky and breath. Because what the sky does not tell you is that there is always room for you in that blue.
There is always a bit of happiness that awaits you ... again.
you liked my blood sugar test? I wrote it with all my commitment to help you discover what you GALLI BY GOD!
Hey hey, do not worry, I have for you in Serbia many other tests, competitions and find out pumpkin!
Oh, by the way! Once you do the test, you can save the image of the profile and use it in your blog, forum or my space! Just remember to put the link to the site, but otherwise ... Make yourselves at home !
(What fun to write a blog, and think that they would not let me do! )
Here we are again in November, with its clouds, its incessant drizzle and yellow leaves that accumulate Roadside ... gray day, that make you want to spend what little you have to get out of bed in the morning ... and yet, can there be anything good in this month?
We thought after school, Martha and me ... how many little things can turn a month so gray! For example: without an umbrella when it rains and you discover what may be nice to ask a "passage" to the type of the 3rd B! To stay under an umbrella in 2 must be tightened a bit ', no? Yeah, it's so romantic!
And then eat the chestnuts while walking in the light of the windows of the center, begin to breathe the air of festive Christmas coming up, wrap up in warm sweaters like hugs ... they are all things that makes me glad to November in the face of those who we see only bad things!
And you want to put the satisfaction of finally being able to drink a hot chocolate with friends, perhaps with a good movie? fact I'll go to hire a good tearjerker Filmon, Marta and telephone to find out if he wants a nice afternoon with cinema! Happy November everyone!
way ... Tell me what you like in November (even if you do not like anything ... at least tell me why)!