Guys, it is true in November is a month ke sad and dark, onion slut!
Within 10 days both me ke Marta we had some trouble to deal with, and not counting the usual professors who wake up every last moment and lay claim to 3 (and we already went well!) class assignments for the same day, seasoned with suspected Question of Latin!
But I say, how the hell do I get a Christmas vacation to VIVA?? I also want LIVING , get out, see people, see guys ....... No well ..... k guys I know I would not have the courage, but in short, has a well the right to dream, right?
In short: NO! Let us breathe, teachers! Tell us to study time and then do all the checks at one time?? Sky, buy yourself un'agendina group! A calendar! THE POST-IT!
In short, do it!
Bah ....
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