Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Waxing Colege Football Helmets

from January 20, 2011

Reflections on the reasons of action in the history of philosophy.

Ten meetings with Prof. Ivano Zordan, every Thursday starting from January 20, 2011 .

Meetings will be held at Villa Marini Rubelli Sopracastello to San Zeno Ezzelini, to 20.30.

For information and reservations: tel 340 2278081 - 347 6165322

1. Happiness is to live in harmony at all
2. Happiness is to know - life theoretical
3. What pleasure is the joy? - Hedonistic ethics
4. The profit as a motive for action - utilitarian ethics
5. Virtue makes it worthy of happiness - formal ethics
6. Happiness in the tragedy of living
7. What ends justify the means? - Ethics and politics
8. Ethical issues of our time.


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