Since 1866, for 50 years, Cadore was fitted with a strong defensive system that were intended to block any enemy offensive from Austria . These defenses were able to last long in If the total encirclement. During World War I (1915-18) suddenly seemed that the strong should come into operation.
On October 24, 1917 the Austrians broke through the Italian defenses in Kobarid. Certainly the decision to begin its work in an organic way with strong Cadore would allow the withdrawal of the regular divisions on the run from flesh and Friuli besides troops deployed over the weapon Misurina. The 14 strong
Cadore could count on a total of 88 high-powered armored guns often mounted on rotating domes (with ability to hit targets at about 30 km away).
On 3 November, the commanding general of Nicolis Robiland gave the order to resist the strong alone Monte Rite and Monte Tudaio. However, there was complete agreement with General Cadorna and the orders came in a confused manner without a definite plan. For this reason the troops disoriented by uncertain orders, after a little resistance left the large withdrawals. Failure to use the strong
allow the Austrians to advance with great speed, to make thousands of prisoners. The forts were blown up in October of 1918 before being abandoned by the Austrians, on the occasion of the great Italian offensive.
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