It is located just north of the mines Selva di Cadore: Fursil mines, where metal was mined for sword blades.
His feudal lord was more important Guadagnino Avoscano who took the title Lord of the 'High Agordino, was a friend and ally of Can Grande della Scala, lord of Verona.
Its most famous guest was undoubtedly Nicholas of Cusa, philosopher and humanist, famous, but also Prince-Bishop of Brixen, and he defended himself by closing themselves in the castle when it was in conflict with the Count of Tyrol.
In 1850, about his last owner got off the roof and in this so showed that the castle was no more. He had therefore the right not to pay taxes on the property and went to live elsewhere.
today remains an impressive ruin with a high wall, 180 cm thick.
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